Thursday, September 18, 2008

Terrie Ross recently came to Vancouver and spent a week with Dad/Ben. It was WONDERFUL to see her! What a sweetheart! Though it's been 20 years since I've seen her, it was as though no time had passed. That is the incredible thing about family ties ~ they're strong! Makes me really look forward to a Fisher Family Reunion!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Betty, Ben, Ardean and Mary

I found these in an old school scrapbook of Ben's
~aren't they cute!?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hey great photos. Hope we can all get together!

These are GREAT family pics!!!! I especially like the one of Uncle Ted and Lori! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I've tried to upload a slideshow of the last family
reunion ~ still on dial up and way too slow!
For now though...


The Fisher Family

Uncle Ted & Lori

Fritz Jr., Denise & Kris

Aunt Violet & Uncle Cliff

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hey, hope this will work for everyone, I think it will be fun, take care everyone.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I LOVE my family! We have become so spread out that it has become increasingly hard to stay in touch. With technology what it is, there is no reason for that to happen!

Here's "The Idea"

Create a family blog where we can congregate, keep in touch, celebrate, cheer each other on and in general share our lives with each other. What do you think ~ anyone else interested?

I can be contacted at

Email me your address and I will add you to those who can post on our blog! If everyone who has been invited to join (meaning I have your address) would email the link to others in the family (that I don't have email addresses for), we can get everyone included! For those of you I don't have email addresses for, contact me at the address above. Put the name of CPs son or daughter that you are related to in the subject line so I can check my spam filter. Then I'll add you to the list of those that can blog!

Looking forward to making contact!